Friday, June 24, 2011

ice cream and berries

the perfect end to a summer meal is simple...a small container of vanilla ice cream decanted on a white platter and surrounded with mounds of mixed blackberries and blueberries around the base...I just put a big silver spoon with it and let guests help themselves...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

summer lunch in the studio

I love mixing clean modern pieces like the jasper conran dinnerware with rustic old jugs and tin cups used for wildflowers...the glasses for water and wine are the classic tavern glasses from colonial williamsburg, and the white porcelain cheese server i found at liberty's in london a few years ago...the table is a an old picnic table painted a deep grey which gives it a totally different look and works well inside or out!
photographs by simon upton for set with style

Saturday, June 4, 2011

tray time

setting up trays for a buffet makes it easy and organized ...its always so tricky juggling plates and glasses and flatware while trying to put food on your plate!
I keep a stack of trays ready for action when I have too many guests for one table set for lunch or dinner...flatware is by david mellor, jasper conran china by wedgwood